$L Picker

De DigiWiki.

This game is unique. I came up with the idea a while ago, and developed this as one of my first sucessfull games. It works liek this. pay from 1 to 10. that becomes your number the script randomly generates a number from 1 to 10..if it matched win 4x bet. if it is 1 off, win 2x bet.

// $L Picker by Shippou Oud
integer ttp;
integer payin;
    on_rez(integer x)
        llSetText("$L Picker \n Click for info \n Pay $L1 to $L10 to play" + "\n" + "Total Payout $L" + (string) ttp,<1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0);
        llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT);
    touch_start(integer x)
        if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner())
            llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"$L" + (string) payin + " has been bet.");
        if (llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner())
            llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(0),"This game is simple. Bet from $L1 to $L10 if the computer picks your bet you win 4x the amount.
            \nif the computer is off by 1, you win 2x bet. \n Lets say you bet $L5 and the computer randomly picks 5, you'll win $L20.
            \nNow lets say you bet $L8 and the computer picks 7, you win $L16.
            \n10 is considered to be the number below below 1, and 1 the number above 10, so if you bet $L10 and the computer picks 1, you'll win $L20.");
    money(key giver, integer amount)
        payin = payin + amount;
        if (amount > 10) 
            llInstantMessage(giver,"Sorry, but I can only bet up to $L10 at a time, here is $L" + (string) amount + " back. ");
            payin = payin - amount;
        float Winnum = llFrand(10);
        integer W2 = (integer) Winnum + 1;
        integer w2x = amount * 2;
        integer w4x = amount * 4;
        llInstantMessage(giver,"You bet " + (string) amount + " !");
        llInstantMessage(giver,"The computer picks " + (string) W2 + " !" + "\n ");
        if (amount == W2)
            llGiveMoney(giver,amount * 4);
            llSay(0,"Won $L" + (string) w4x + " !");
            ttp = ttp + w4x;
        if (amount == W2 + 1)
            llGiveMoney(giver,amount * 2);
            llSay(0,"Won $L" + (string) w2x + " !");
            ttp = ttp + w2x;
        if (amount == W2 - 1)
            llGiveMoney(giver,amount * 2);
            llSay(0,"Won $L"+ (string) w2x + " !");
            ttp = ttp + w2x;
        if (W2 - 9 == amount)
            llGiveMoney(giver,amount * 2);
            llSay(0,"Won $L" + (string) w2x + " !");
            ttp = ttp + w2x;
        if (W2 + 9 == amount)
            llGiveMoney(giver,amount * 2);
            llSay(0,"Won $L" + (string) w2x + " !");
            ttp = ttp + w2x;
        llSetText("$L Picker \n Click for info \n Pay $L1 to $L10 to play" + "\n" + "Total Payout $L" + (string) ttp, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0);
    run_time_permissions(integer perm)
        if (PERMISSION_DEBIT & perm) {;}
            llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Sorry, you must click 'yes' to operate this.");
            llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT);
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