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// Par Gen 1.12 For aurora large var regions By SamIam123
// Crude but works, this will slice up an estate into 256m Parcels
// Set estate Option's before use and also Chanegt he name and Disc. strings to suit your need
// parcel naming will start with Talon Lot then add 1 number to the end for each as it goes
// This takes time for it to finnish 1.05 min per parcel but faster than making them manualy
integer regionX;
integer regionY;
string name = "Pulsar";            // Parcel Name Prefix
string descript = "Gov. Pulsar's"; // Parcel Description text
key group = NULL_KEY;              // Parcel Group UUID
integer a;                         // Counter added to the end of name
key owner;
        llSay(0, "ParGen Ready. Click to Start");
    touch_start(integer number)
        key owner = llGetOwner(); // Parcel Owners UUID
        for (regionX=0; regionX<16; regionX++)
            for (regionY=0; regionY<16; regionY++)
                vector startpos = < regionX*256, regionY*256,0 >;
                vector endpos = startpos + <256,256,0>;
                a = a + 1;
                llSleep(60); // Guessing a delay so we dont flood region manager
                osParcelSubdivide(startpos, endpos);
                llSleep(5); // Another delay b4 we name it
                osParcelSetDetails(startpos, [PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME, name+a+" ",PARCEL_DETAILS_DESC,
                                   descript,PARCEL_DETAILS_OWNER, owner, PARCEL_DETAILS_GROUP, group]);
        llSay(0,"Touched."); // Redundant
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