
De DigiWiki.

About Aurora WebUI GPL Although starting off with modifying Aurora WebUI to run under php5, it became clear that starting a new project using the backPress library for the front-end was going to be better in the long-term.


Several pages in the website will return "404 Not Found" errors when there is no content to be displayed, such as groups and news.


www-examples is not for public consumption. It's intended as a developer-only "live" reference to test API calls. DO NOT PLACE ON A PUBLIC WEB SERVER.

utils uses the YUI compressor which is available from

Contributors SignpostMarv

Installation This example uses "D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/" as the location of the repository.

Template CSS Manual method 1.Create D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/www/css/templates/default/style.css 2.Copy and paste the contents of D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/css/reset.css into D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/www/css/templates/default/style.css ◦The contents of reset.css must stay at the top 3.Copy and paste the contents of all CSS files in D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/css/templates/default/ into D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/www/css/templates/default/style.css The script in the utils directory attempts to "minify" and pre-gzip the template styles with maximum compression in order to help save bandwidth.

1.Download 2.Extract the .jar file to D:/github/yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar 3.Run ◦If running on windows, and run the script through there. It has not been tested on cygwin yet. Apache Installing in root directory of a domain 1.Edit the virtual hosts configuration to point a website's DocumentRoot at the D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/www directory (see below for example). 2.Copy config.example.php to config.php do not move to www directory 3.Change the webui URL and password in D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/config.php to match the port number and password in the aurora ini files httpd-vhosts.conf

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin aurorawebuigpl@localhost
    DocumentRoot "D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/www"
    ServerName aurorawebuigpl.localhost
    ErrorLog "logs/aurorawebuigpl.localhost-error.log"
    CustomLog "logs/aurorawebuigpl.localhost-access.log" common

    <Directory "D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/www">
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

Configuration config.php Default Timezone PHP can complain if no timezone is set- you'll want to configure the timezone to match the timezone your Aurora grid operates under.


   date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London'); // this is just to get rid of pesky errors

Default Content-Type header The template system sets appropriate Content-Type for different pages, but we set the default content type to text/plain to make debugging things a little easier when errors occur outside the scope of the template system. Feel free to change it!

   header('Content-Type: text/plain');

WebUI Configs array WebUI GPL configs need two arguments: 1. The API end-point url, using the WebUIHandlerPort port number specified in the Aurora ini files 2. The WebUIHandlerPassword from the Aurora ini files

An instance of the PHP class that provides an interface to the Aurora Module can be attached to an instance of the WebUI interface. The example commented-out example in the config.php file attaches the map API to the last created WebUI instance.

   $configs[] = WebUI::r(

// $configs[$configs->count() - 1]->attachAPI(MapAPI::r( // 'http://localhost:8007/mapapi' // )); base URI The template system uses absolute paths, so a URI needs to be provided for the HTML base element.

Installing in root directory of a domain

   Globals::i()->baseURI = 'http://localhost/';

Installing in sub directory of a domain

   Globals::i()->baseURI = 'http://localhost/webui';

Link Style WebUI-GPL currently supports two modes for links- "query" and "mod_rewrite". The Aurora::Addon::WebUI::Template::link() method accepts mod_rewrite-mode style links, automatically converting them to query mode style links if needed.

query This mode should be used if you don't have mod_rewrite available (which is why it's the default).

   Globals::i()->linkStyle = 'query';

mod_rewrite The www/.httaccess.example file should be copied to www/.htaccess if mod_rewrite mode is to be used.

   Globals::i()->linkStyle = 'mod_rewrite';

Registration Postal Information This parameter should be set to TRUE if you need to store a user's postal information.

   Globals::i()->registrationPostalRequired = false; // TRUE if postal address info is required for registration, FALSE otherwise.

Account Activation If your grid is public, you will most likely want to set this to true.

However, WebUI-GPL currently does not support sending the activation link via email or other channels, so the link will get dumped straight to the web page.

   Globals::i()->registrationActivationRequired = false; // TRUE if activation is required for registration, FALSE otherwise. NOTE: we're not specifying activation method here for a reason.

Email Address Currently serves no purpose, but will be used for password resets and activation links when support is added.

   Globals::i()->registrationEmailRequired = false; // TRUE if emails are required, FALSE if they're optional.

reCAPTCHA If you want to use the reCAPTCHA service on the registration page, you will need to uncomment and modify these 3 properties. You will also need to

   Globals::i()->recaptcha                 = true;
   Globals::i()->recaptchaPublicKey        = 'foo' ;
   Globals::i()->recaptchaPrivateKey       = 'bar' ;

reCAPTCHA JavaScript To give you fine-grained control over what JavaScript runs on your website, WebUI-GPL will disable reCAPTCHA's scripts by default. If you want to use the more user-friendly, JavaScript-powered reCAPTCHA interface, you'll need to set this property to TRUE.

   Globals::i()->recaptchaEnableJavaScript = false ; // set to TRUE to enable the prettier but JavaScript-powered reCAPTCHA input
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