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Quickmap Install Guide

Quickmap configuration is found in Aurora-WebUI/quickmap/includes/config.php.
You may want to call Aurora-WebUI something different just remember this must reflect in the configuration below.

// Database Connection
$CONF_db_server      = "localhost";
$CONF_db_user        = "*********";
$CONF_db_pass        = "*********";
$CONF_db_database    = "*********";
// QuickMap URL's
$SYSURL = "http://SERVER_ADDRESS_IP_OR_DNS/webui/quickmap/";
// QuickMap Coordinates
$CONF_center_coord_x = "1000";
$CONF_center_coord_y = "1000";
// QuickMap Template
$CONF_template   = "default";
$CONF_image_size = 230;
// QuickMap Options
$displayRoundedCorner = true;
$displayLogoEffect    = true;
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