
De DigiWiki.

string first = "Test";
string last = "Bot";
key userToDuplicate;
string botID;
integer currentlySitting = 0;
        //On startup, we'll generate a new bot, then make it move when we touch it
        //Create the bot with the given first/last name and the user whose appearance it will duplicate
        userToDuplicate = llGetOwner();
        vector startPos = llGetPos();
        botID = botCreateBot(first, last, userToDuplicate, startPos);
    touch_start(integer number)
        if(currentlySitting == 0)
            botSitObject(botID, llGetKey(), ZERO_VECTOR); //Sit on this object with the default sitting position
        if(currentlySitting == 1)
            botStandUp(botID);//Now stand up off this object
        if(currentlySitting == 2)
            botTouchObject(botID, llGetKey());//Now touch this object
        if(currentlySitting == 3)
            currentlySitting = -1;//Reset after the bot touches the box (#2)
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