Fruit Machine

De DigiWiki.

This was a fun script to wright. Notice how I use numbers to make a symbol, and for each symbol is assigned a value, so when added up, the machine knows what is landed on, and if it is a winner or not. This also keeps track of payin, last player and total winnings. Also has a progressive jack pot.

// 1 prim slots by Shippou Oud
list null= ["OK"];
string name = "The Fruit Machine";
string f1 = " banana ";
string f2 = " cherry ";
string f3 = " apple ";
integer cha;
integer f1a = 50;
integer f2a = 60;
integer f3a = 70;
string LP;
integer JP;
integer ttpi;
integer po;
vector col = <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>;
    on_rez(integer x)
        cha = (integer) llFrand(999999998) + 1;
        llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT);
        llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [10, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]);
        JP = 1000;
        llSetText(name +" \n Last Player: " + LP + "\n Jack Pot $L" + (string) JP + "\n Total Pay Out $L" + (string) po,col,1);
    touch_start(integer x)
        llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(0),"Current Pay outs are 3 " + f1 + "$L" + (string) f1a +  " , 3 " + f2 + "$L" + 
                                        (string) f2a + " , 3 " + f3 + "$L" + (string) f3a + " . Only $L10 to play");
        if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner())
            llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"---- $L" + (string) ttpi);
    money(key play, integer mon)
        ttpi = ttpi + mon;
        JP = JP + 1;
        string w1;
        string w2;
        string w3;
        integer win1;
        integer win2;
        integer win3;
        integer a1 = (integer) llFrand(3) + 1;
        if (a1 == 1)
            w1 = f1;
            win1 = win1 + 1;
        else if (a1 == 2)
            w1 = f2;
            win2 = win2 + 1;
        else if (a1 == 3)
            w1 = f3;
            win3 = win3 + 1;
        integer a2 = (integer) llFrand(3) + 1;
        if (a2 == 1)
            w2 = f1;
            win1 = win1 + 1;
        else if (a2 == 2)
            w2 = f2;
            win2 = win2 + 1;
        else if (a2 == 3)
            w2 = f3;
            win3 = win3 + 1;
        integer a3 = (integer) llFrand(3) + 1;
        if (a3 == 1)
            w3 = f1;
            win1 = win1 + 1;
        else if (a3 == 2)
            w3 = f2;
            win2 = win2 + 1;
        else if (a3 == 3)
            w3 = f3;
            win3 = win3 + 1;
        integer ww = (integer) llFrand(4) + 1;
        integer ww1 = (integer) llFrand(4) + 1;
        integer wmu = (integer) llFrand(25) + 1;
        integer wmu1 = (integer) llFrand(25) + 1;
        LP = llKey2Name(play);
        llInstantMessage(play,"Thank you " + LP + " . Good luck !");
        llDialog( play , " " + w1 + w2 + w3, null ,cha);
        if (ww == ww1)
            llDialog( play ,"You Won $L5", null ,cha);
            po = po + 5;
        if (win1 == 3)
            llDialog( play ,"You Won $L" + (string) f1a, null ,cha);
            llGiveMoney(play, f1a);
            po = po + f1a;
        else if (win2 == 3)
            llDialog( play ,"You Won $L" + (string) f2a, null ,cha);
            llGiveMoney(play, f2a);
            po = po + f2a;
        else if (win3 == 3)
            llDialog( play ,"You Won $L" + (string) f3a, null ,cha);
            llGiveMoney(play, f3a);
            po = po + f3a;
        integer Jack1 = (integer) llFrand(3000) + 1;
        integer Jack2 = (integer) llFrand(3000) + 1;
            if (Jack1 == Jack2)
                llDialog( play ,"You Won The Jackpot of $L" + (string) JP, null ,cha);
                llGiveMoney(play, JP);
                po = po + JP;
                JP = 1000;
            win1 = 0;
            win2 = 0;
            win3 = 0;
            llSetText(name +" \n Last Player: " + LP + "\n Jack Pot $L" + (string) JP + "\n Total Pay Out $L" + (string) po,col,1);
    run_time_permissions(integer perm)
        if (PERMISSION_DEBIT & perm) {;}
            llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Sorry, you must click 'yes' to operate this. ");
            llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT);
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